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“We need a new wild... But the new wild will be very different from the old wild. We have changed our planet too much, and nature never goes backward. “ - author Fred Pearce, The New Wild


SILVERFIN is a sculptural video installation chronicling the artist’s fishing expedition to catch Asian carp in the Illinois River using handmade traps. These traps consist of a ten foot fyke net to catch the fish and three underwater speakers to startle them towards the net. The project proposes that Asian carp will continue to colonize local waters, but harnessing them as a resource via fishing can control populations and create more mutually beneficial relationships between human and fish. My goal for this exhibition is to incite curiosity and allow viewers to discover their own connections to these fish. 


Videographer: Ian Kerstetter + Videographer: charlesRlong

This project was partially funded by the Albert P. Weisman Award.

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